Euro Chopped Lower before Stabilizing

The euro has stabilized after extending yesterday’s ECB-driven losses.
The euro’s drop yesterday was the largest since the UK referendum to leave the
EU. Ahead of the weekend, there may be
some room for additional corrective upticks, but they will likely be limited,
with the $1.0650 area offering initial resistance.  In the larger picture,
this week’s range, roughly $1.05 to $1.0850 likely will confine the price
action for the remainder of the month, though of course, thin holiday markets
(after FOMC next week) could make for erratic price action. 

The German two-year yield is a few basis points from the record low seen
in late November.
  The US premium is at the high for the week and less
than two basis points below the extreme in 16 years.  Next week, the FOMC
meets, and while a rate hike has been discounted,
growth and inflation forecasts may be lifted
The recent Wall Street Journal survey of economists found the majority expected
three hikes next year. 

Investors continued to digest the
ECB’s announcements yesterday. 
  Following the Federal Reserve,
tapering is meant to imply a slowing of purchases toward an ending of
them.  What the ECB announced yesterday was most definitely not
that.  In fact, the asset purchases seem to
be quite open-ended.  Consider that the
staff forecast of 1.7% for 2019 inflation was rejected by Draghi
insufficient to discharge the ECB’s duty.    Draghi repeatedly
and vociferously denied the ECB was tapering.  

The reduction of the monthly purchases could reflect at least two forces. 
First, it could have been a small price to get some of the creditors, like
Germany, to go along.  This is
desirable even if not necessary.  It does not give up much.  In fact,
the ECB will buy 540 bln euro of bonds instead of the 480 bln the market had
expected (9*60>6*80).  By the end of next year, the ECB’s balance sheet
will be about 40% of GDP.  Second, by reducing the amount, the ECB could
help alleviate some shortage pressure.  

Long rates rose in Europe yesterday and are higher today.  Some
are arguing that buying 20 bln less a month is a material force. At the same
time, the rules were adjusted that
allowed the ECB to buy bonds with yields lower than the deposit rate. 
That means that the short-end of the curves may find a better bid. Today, two-year peripheral yields are lower while
rates in the core are slightly firmer.   

The rising yields and equity markets weigh on the yen.  The
dollar is at its best level since the start of the week.  Resistance is seen near JPY115.00.  Today could be
the first session the dollar has spent entirely above JPY114 since

The major currencies are quiet, though the Canadian dollar is
It is edging through yesterday’s highs.  In fact, the US dollar fallen against the Canadian
dollar in six of the past seven sessions.  The recovery in oil prices and cross rate gains may have driven
it.  Three is scope for additional
US dollar slippage, but we suspect it is limited, initially to CAD1.3160. 
A trend line connecting the May, August and Sept low comes in near
CAD1.31.  The currency-sensitive two-year interest rate differential is
moving back in the US direction. 

Four economic reports fill the news
stream today. 
First China’s inflation rose .  Headline CPI rose
to 2.3% from 2.1%.  Producer prices
jumped more.  They are up 3.3% from a year ago to stand at a five-year
high.  In October it was at 1.2%.  Remember that until September producer prices had been falling since March
2012 on a year-over-year basis.   

Second, France, like Germany earlier this week, reported disappointing
industrial output figures for October. 
Output had been expected to
rise around 0.5%, but instead fell 0.2%, and adding insult to injury, the
September series was revised lower (-1.4% from -1.1%).  Manufacturing was also a big disappointment fall 0.6% instead of
rising by as much. The September figure was also revised down.  The
aggregate figure will be released next week.  There is downside risk to the median guesstimate of 0.2%. 

Third, Germany reported a smaller than expected trade surplus of 19.3 bln
in October. 
Exports rose 0.5%, which represents a smaller recovery
from the 1.0% revised decline in September (from
-0.7%).  Exports have risen 3% over the first 10 months of the year.  Imports rose 1.3%, a little more than
expected.   The current account surplus was also a little smaller than

Fourth, the UK reported smaller trade and current account balances in
  The September figures were
revised to show larger shortfalls, so the October improvement is more dramatic.
The overall trade deficit narrowed to GBP1.97 bln, which is the smallest in
five months.  It is a third of the size of the September deficit that was revised to GBP5.81 bln (revised from
GBP5.22 bln).

In other market developments, following the new record equity levels in
the US, Asia rallied.
  The MSCI Asia-Pacific Index rose almost 0.2%,
for the fourth consecutive gain.  It is up 2.3% on the week.  The
Nikkei rose 3.1% this week and has gained
in all but two weeks since the start of Q4.  The Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is
rising for the fifth session.  It is up nearly 4% this week.  Today’s
gain are sufficient to fill the gap created in early January.  However,
some profit-taking is being seen in
Italy, Spain, and Germany.   Italian
bank shares are off nearly 3% to snap a three-day advance.   An
announcement is expected either over the weekend or early next week about who
will lead the next Italian government.  Don’t be surprised if it is

The North American session will not be
bolstered by much data
.  The wholesale inventories may impact
GDP forecasts, while the University of Michigan survey has little but headline


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